ONYX Subscription

HOW IT WORKS: The subscriber pays just $119 + s/h every month and for that they receive 1 - 3 knives with a street value of $149 - $250. Your knives will automatically be worth more than you pay for them off the bat. While there a few other knife clubs in existence, none have the variety that we carry and none have the innovation that we offer. #humblebrag The above being said, it is my sincere pleasure to introduce the ONYX PLAN. I won't mince words. The Onyx Plan brings you a badass, new, name brand knife, worth between $149 - $250 every month! The price our subscribers pay is ONLY $119 per month plus s/h. Our pricing is based on average internet prices and not the MSRP. This promotes TRUE savings for our subscribers.  

HOW IT WORKS: The subscriber pays just $119 + s/h every month and for that they receive 1 - 3 knives with a street value of $149 - $250. Your knives will automatically be worth more than you pay for them off the bat.

While there a few other knife clubs in existence, none have the variety that we carry and none have the innovation that we offer. #humblebrag

The above being said, it is my sincere pleasure to introduce the ONYX PLAN. I won't mince words. The Onyx Plan brings you a badass, new, name brand knife, worth between $149 - $250 every month! The price our subscribers pay is ONLY $119 per month plus s/h. Our pricing is based on average internet prices and not the MSRP. This promotes TRUE savings for our subscribers.


Customer Reviews

Based on 178 reviews
Craig Reeves
Looks good.

I like the quality and the way it looks. Also like the way it feels/ in your hand. Looking forward to my next month

Benito Orosco

Good knife good price

James Ferguson
Nie Knife worth the price

The Knife I received from the Onyx Subscription met my expectations and was worth the price.

Greg Swain
Amazing Value

The ONYX knife subscription is stellar deal, as someone who enjoys collecting knives, giving knives as gifts and using the the pants off of knives, i couldn't be happier with the subscription.

Tyler Martindale
Awesome knives!

Couldn’t be happier with the quality and uniqueness of each knife I’ve received! Keep them coming!

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