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We ship subscription orders out between the 15th and 25th every month. Please note that your order must be in by 5:00 PM CST on the 9th in order to be shipped the same month, otherwise your order will be shipped the following month during the normal shipping window.
Items ordered from our online shop are typically shipped within the same or next few business days. If you need something quicker, please feel free to reach out to us.
Anyone and everyone who love cool knives! Sportmen and women, Outdoorsy folks, fishemen, hunters, etc..
Negative, ghost rider. We randomly select knives before shipping. We choose only high quality knives. This process helps us to keep the low price point.
High quality materials such as stainless and surgical steel. Some of our higher end knives are made out titanium and carbon fiber. This really is a fantastic value for any knife collector.
Sorry there partner, but you have to wait until your at least 18 to purchase a knife from us.
You-bet-cha. Simply put the intended's shipping address down as the address of delivery.
Unfortunately due to our low price club model, we're unable to accept returns or exchanges.
For customer convenience all plans are set to auto-renew on the 1st of each month until you cancel. Please note that you will not be re-billed until your first knife has been sent out.
We hate to see you go, after all you mean so very much to us! To cancel simply email our team at and we will cancel or adjust your billing increment.
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We Ship You New Knives and EDC / Tactical Gear Each Month
A New Knife and EDC / Tactical Gear Arrives Every Month